The portfolio should contain five public relations texts. You will have the opportunity to discuss drafts of the texts in tutorials, as these should be developed out of weekly learning activities. The portfolio is to consist of the following:
1. Issues analysis
2. Media release
3. One item in the media kit ( backgrounder, facts sheet, FAQ/Q&A sheet, feature article. profile/biography, brochure and/or speech)
4.One item in the media kit ( backgrounder, facts sheet, FAQ/Q&A sheet, feature article. profile/biography, brochure and/or speech) NB item 3 & 4 must be different texts.

: Portfolio

: Portfolio
Develop the self-leadership skills portfolio throughout the course of the unit. The portfolio will contain both self-reflection and feedback from others. You will conduct an analysis of your skills, strengths and areas for improvement and will develop an action plan for skills development.
Length/Duration: 3,000 words
: Portfolio

: Portfolio
Develop the self-leadership skills portfolio throughout the course of the unit. The portfolio will contain both self-reflection and feedback from others. You will conduct an analysis of your skills, strengths and areas for improvement and will develop an action plan for skills development.
Length/Duration: 3,000 words